7 Of The Weirdest Schools You Probably Never Heard About
Kenneth Coo
And you thought your school was weird.
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We start easy with the Hamburger University. It's a 130,000-square-foot training facility of McDonald's, located in Oak Brook, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago. This corporate university was designed to instruct personnel employed by McDonald's in the various aspects of restaurant management. More than 80,000 restaurant managers, mid-managers and owner/operators have graduated from this facility. This "prestigious" school was founded in 1961. -
Associated with Germany Forest Schools have since spread like roots to other countries. The simple answer to what it is- it's learning in a forest. The longer answers involves teaching about surrounding trees and animals, building a bond with nature etc. -
Floating Schools. In Bangladesh, annual flooding can disrupt school for hundreds of thousands of students. In some areas, roads are impassable during the rainy season from July to October, when rivers rise as much as 4 meters, or 12 feet. So a non-profit organization made 20 boats filled with teaching equipment and they pick the kids up who wouldn't be able to get to school otherwise. -
Gladiator school. It's in, no surprise, Rome and it teaches the gladiator business how it was during Ancient Rome times. No one dies, despise the courses being led by a man calling himself Nero. -
Tree climbing school. You would be surprised how many people forget how to climb trees once they stop being kids. The popularity of Tree Climbing Planet in Oregon is proof enough. -
Now we get weird with Mermaid Swimming Academy. The Philippine based school lets you put on a tail and learn to swim mermaid style, no joke. -
Prostitution School. If you ask if it's even legal, we have to say that the Spanish Police asked that too and the Valencian prosecutors ruled there is no case. For a €100 fee pupils are offered a “basic course in professional prostitution with maximum discretion”.
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We start easy with the Hamburger University. It's a 130,000-square-foot training facility of McDonald's, located in Oak Brook, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago. This corporate university was designed to instruct personnel employed by McDonald's in the various aspects of restaurant management. More than 80,000 restaurant managers, mid-managers and owner/operators have graduated from this facility. This "prestigious" school was founded in 1961.